Career and Technology Education

The Bridgeton School District will provide high school students 21st-century life and career skills to make informed decisions that prepare them to engage as productive members of a global workforce that rewards innovation, creativity, and adaptation to change. Students apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills to make reasoned decisions at home, in the workplace, and in the global community; is financially literate and financially responsible at home and in the broader community; is knowledgeable about careers and can plan, execute, and alter career goals in response to changing societal and economic conditions and use effective communication, communication technology, and collaboration skills.

The Bridgeton School District offers the opportunity for high school students to explore all phases of business including Introduction to Business, Accounting, Marketing, Computer Literacy, Web Page Design, Personal Finance and Business Law.
In addition, the Bridgeton School District offers high school students courses that focus on both engineering and industrial technologies. While they design they ultimately realize a solution; learning the challenges involved with working with materials and also the challenges of small-scale project management. The Bridgeton School District offers high school courses including Materials Processing, Graphic Communications, Advanced Systems Technology, Computer Assisted Drafting (CAD), Technology and Architectural Design and Drafting.

As well, the Bridgeton School District has implemented a Project Lead The Way (PLTW) Engineering program. PLTW is the leading provider of rigorous and innovative STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) education curricular programs used in high schools across the United States. PLTW offers students an array of advantages, from career readiness and hands-on experience to college preparatory-level classes, labs, and creative exercises. The Bridgeton School District offers the opportunity for high school students to explore all phases of engineering including Introduction to Engineering Design, Principles of Engineering, and Digital Electronics which are supplemented by a number of electives to create rigorous, relevant, reality-based courses.

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