Quality Single Accountability Continuum (QSAC)

The New Jersey Quality Single Accountability Continuum (NJQSAC) is the Department of Education's monitoring and district self-evaluation system for public school districts. The system shifts the monitoring and evaluation focus from compliance to assistance, capacity-building and improvement. It is a single comprehensive accountability system that consolidates and incorporates the monitoring requirements of applicable state laws and programs and complements federally required improvements. The system focuses on monitoring and evaluating school districts in five key components that, based on research, have been identified to be key factors in effective school districts. These components are Instruction & Program, Fiscal, Governance, Operations, and Personnel.

The purpose of the New Jersey Quality Single Accountability Continuum (NJQSAC) User's Manual and the NJQSAC User Manual for County Special Services School Districts is to ensure that there is clarity in the requirements of the DPR, simplification in the process, and alignment in expectations to provide reliable and valid implementation of NJQSAC across all counties. The user manual is intended to increase transparency in expectations and mutual accountability among districts and the offices in the NJDOE that support them

To assist districts in completing the District Performance Review (DPR), the Department is providing these tools:

For questions related to NJQSAC, please email [email protected].

Please contact our School Business Administrator for more information. We will post any required notices concerning QSAC on this page below.



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