
The effort to improve educator evaluation in New Jersey has been a top priority since the Educator Effectiveness Task Force (EETF) was convened in 2010 and released its recommendations in 2011. Woven into the fabric of this initiative is the need to strike a balance between two important drivers: a sense of urgency to make changes that will benefit students and educators, and a strong desire to proceed thoughtfully and to incorporate feedback from New Jersey educators along the way.

Based on the timeline established in the TEACHNJ law, AchieveNJ is being implemented statewide in the 2013-14 school year. The system builds on the findings of the EETF as well as local innovation and lessons learned from pilot programs underway since 2011. Feedback from the pilots and the state Evaluation Pilot Advisory Committee helped shape the draft regulations the Department proposed on March 6, 2013.

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