Pathways 21st Century


Bridgeton Public Schools Logo with Paw printts and BPS in the center and Stronger Together around the outer edgePathways 21st Century Community Learning Centers is an after-school program designed to achieve milestone improvements in math and language arts objectives through theme-based learning in the visual and performing arts. Across five district schools in grades four through eight, the after-school program will provide services to students and their families each program year. Students will be motivated and challenged to connect with the world around them through creativity, individual expression, and hands-on academics.


Mission Statement

Bulldog leaning on a stack of books one labled for each school and the pathways logo in the dogs tag.

The mission of the Pathways 21st Century Community Learning Centers through Bridgeton Public Schools is to provide a safe and comprehensive after-school learning environment that provides opportunities for all students to achieve success through creative activities that honor diversity and the integration of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards and through the pathways of the Visual and Performing Arts.


Schools We Service

Bridgeton High School (Grades 9-12)
Broad Street School (Grades 4-8)
Buckshutem Road School (Grades 4-8)
Cherry Street School (Grades 4-8)
Indian Avenue School (Grades 4-8)
Quarter Mile Lane School (Grades 4-8)
West Avenue School (Grades 4-8)

Partnerships and Collaborations

The Pathways 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) partners with Appel Farm Arts & Music Center at to bring students first-hand experiences in the field of Visual and Performing Arts. Additionally, Pathways works with the Bridgeton Municipal Alliance and NJ CAP (Child Abuse Prevention), which offer students different character education and life skills lessons.

Benefits of the Pathways 21st Century Community Learning Center After School Program

My Child has an IEP/504 Plan. How can they benefit from this program?

Research conducted by the Afterschool Alliance in 2008 found that afterschool programs positively impact students with special needs in the following key areas: higher academic achievement, improved school attendance, higher aspirations, improved social competence, and improved behavior.

Theme-based Program

The Bridgeton School District believes that after-school programming driven by the arts positively influences the lives of students involved and leads to overall academic achievement, improved social skills, and increased skills for future workplace success.

Learning Based on Student Interest

The Pathways 21st Century After School program staff will survey the students to identify interest areas. The program staff will create lessons geared toward the student's interests, thus creating an increased level of engagement in the activity.

Seamless Transitions

In order to create a seamless transition, the afterschool program staff will meet regularly with the school day staff to articulate student achievement and concerns. These meetings will be conducted quarterly and involve Teachers, Guidance Counselors, and Building Principals.

Helpful Links

New Jersey Department of Education 21st Century Webpage
After School Alliance

For Additional Enrichment at Home: - Grade 4

Contact Information for Pathways

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Christal Griner, Program Manager. She can be reached at (856) 455 - 8030 ext. 1940 or via email at [email protected]

Registration Form

A registration form may be obtained on this website only. Once this form has been received, the site coordinator or someone from the Pathways program office will call concerning when the student may begin the program. Please use the link to the left to register your child.

Funding Statement

"This project was funded in its entirety Under Title IV, Part B of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) grant funds through a grant agreement with the New Jersey Department of Education."

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