World Language

The Bridgeton School District provides a world language program which fosters an appreciation for languages and knowledge of cultures. Students will explore different languages to gain a global perspective of how individuals interact effectively to increase and enhance cross-cultural communication. The goal of the world language program is for students to develop the linguistic and cultural skills to be strong competitors in our global community. Students will develop language proficiency and utilize the following modes of communication to demonstrate an understanding of different languages and cultures:

  • Interpretive Mode: "The mode of communication in which students demonstrate an understanding of spoken and written communication within the appropriate cultural context. Examples of "one-way" reading or listening include cultural interpretations of print, video, and online texts, movies, radio and television broadcasts, and speeches. Interpretation beyond the Novice level differs from comprehension because it implies the ability to read or listen "between the lines" and "beyond the lines."

  • Interpersonal Mode: "The mode of communication in which students engage in direct oral and/or written communication with others (e.g., conversing face-to-face, participating in online discussions or videoconferences, instant messaging and text messaging, exchanging personal letters or e-mail messages)."

  • Presentational Mode: "The mode of communication in which students present, through oral and/or written communications, information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers with whom there is no immediate interaction. Examples of this "one-to-many" mode of communication are making a presentation to a group, posting an online video or webpage, creating and posting a podcast or videocast, and writing an article for a newspaper."

Academic Standards for Instruction


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