Superintendent's Bulldogs of The Month for February 2023
Posted on 03/09/2023
Superintendent's Bulldogs of the Month
Bridgeton High School
Kevin Marin Miranda

Grade 11 - Junior
Kevin has demonstrated the qualities of a strong leader and an asset to his community. As a cadet, he exemplifies the core values instilled in the AFJROTC program, Integrity, Service, and Excellence. He is totally committed to the success of this program.
Bridgeton High School
Esmeralda Torres

Grade 11 - Junior
Esmeralda has demonstrated the qualities of a strong leader and an asset to her community. As a cadet, she exemplifies the core values instilled in the AFJROTC program, Integrity, Service, and Excellence. She is totally committed to the success of this program.
Broad Street School
Brittany Ramirez Lopez

Grade 2
Britany is always ready to learn. She is a very respectful and well-behaved student. She strives to do her best academically and as a person. She demonstrates leadership skills. She would like to be a nurse when she grows up.
Broad Street School
Ky’Zhier McArthur

Grade 7
Ky’Zhier is always willing to participate in any assignment given to him as well as help out with his classmates. He is well-mannered and respectful towards all his peers and especially adults. He enjoys math and spending time with family and friends, and his all-time favorite is watching his favorite TV shows.
Buckshutem Road School
Mary Emiliano

Grade 2
Mary is a one of a kind student. She is always the first one to offer help, not only to her peers but to her teachers. She is a great leader in the classroom. She always inspires and encourages her friends to try their best. She always has positive thoughts and words of affirmation for those around her. Mary wants to be a teacher when she grows up.
Cherry Street School
Malachi Bishop-Jarmon

Grade 7
Malachi exemplifies the qualities of a leader and consistently demonstrates our Leader in Me habits. He is focused and does well in his studies. Malachi is dependable and often volunteers when asked to perform acts of service. He gets along well with staff and students. He is truly deserving of this honor.
ExCEL Program
Ja’Sani Denby

Grade 6
Ja’Sani is a shining example of a scholar at ExCEL. Her success is inevitable, as is hard-working and determined. She is a young person of impeccable character and she conducts herself in a way that inspires her classmates to follow suit. She elevates the standard of the classroom just by being there. She plays the viola in the ExCEL Orchestra and in her spare time, she loves to play outside with Zeus, her German Shepherd.
Dr. Geraldyn O. Foster
Early Childhood Center
Aleyza Rodriguez Carranza

Aleyza has been a great friend since she has been in the classroom. She is always willing to help friends and is excelling in her academic goals. She is the first one to check on a friend when she sees they are upset or need a hug. Her teacher is honored to have her in class.
Indian Avenue School
Maryanne Luna Martinez

Grade 3
Maryanne is a very special student to have in class. She is respectful, bright follows classroom rules, and is always focused. She goes out of her way to help her teacher and classmates constantly. Whenever something goes wrong she is there to fix it. She always encourages others, especially her teacher, almost every day. She truly makes a difference in her Class.
Quarter Mile Lane School
Jasmin Garcia Ramirez

Grade 7
Jasmin is an Awesome student! She enjoys school because she gets a chance to interact with different people and learn new things. She enjoys the ease of learning math, her favorite subject. She is a team player, who works well with others, and is always willing to assist her classmates and teachers. She strives to do her best in all of her classes and is a great role model for her peers.
West Avenue School
Osmel Rafael Landez

Grade 5
Osmel has been a great student, he maintains an A average in both science and social studies. He is polite and helpful with other students and epitomizes Bulldog standards with his attitude and behavior.
Bridgeton High School
Student Government
Rigoberto Silva Mendez

Grade 12 - Senior
Bridgeton High School