Social Studies

In order to prepare each student for his or her role as an active citizen in a democratic society the K - 12 social studies program provides yearly instruction in the social studies disciplines of history, geography, economics, and government/civics. Cultural traditions, multi-cultural perspectives, diversity, and equity are embedded throughout the K - 12 social studies program. In addition to the core social studies disciplines (history, geography, economics and government/ civics) the Bridgeton Public School curriculum offers students the opportunity to study using a variety of content lenses. In addition BPS high school students have the opportunity to take African American History, Sociology, Law and You, and Teacher Cadet as Social Studies electives. These topics in social studies at the high school level to provide opportunities for academic growth in multiple areas of interest contributing to a well-educated citizenry.

The tools of social science inquiry (such as surveys, statistics, maps, documents, interviews, and artifacts) are aligned to the Common Core Content Standards and are introduced and applied age appropriately in grades K - 12. Students will learn performance skills to gather analyze and interpret data, problem solve, make democratic decisions and communicate effectively as they study history, geography, economics and government/ civics. A variety of technology applications are introduced and utilized to facilitate inquiry, research and communication skills in the learning of social studies K - 12.

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