District Saturday Enrichment Program OPPORTUNITIES!!!
Parents and Bridgeton Community:
Bridgeton Public Schools is offering an exciting opportunity for our 3rd-5th Grade students to reinforce and enrich their learning on Saturdays during our District Wide Saturday Enrichment Program.
The District Wide Saturday Enrichment Program is a 4-hour program on Saturdays, 9:30am -1:30pm from October 22, 2022 - May 20, 2023. The enrichment program is offered to all students in grades 3-5. We will provide breakfast and lunch, as well as transportation to all students. If you are interested in your child attending, please complete one registration for each of your children in grades 3-5. You may click here to register or scan the registration code on the program flyer (below).
In working to maximize learning opportunities during these challenging times, students with consistent attendance will receive an incentive. Also, their names will be placed in a drawing for a super prize at the end of the program. We appreciate your support as we continue to put our students' learning and safety first!
For more information, please contact: Mr. E. Deionne ThrBak, Dir. of Innovative Programs and Community Partnerships at (856) 455-8030, ext. 2020.