Each month, we like to honor outstanding students from each school. We call this the "Superintendent's Bulldogs of the Month."
Gael Osorio Garcia, Grade 4 Broad Street School
Merari Diaz Sandoval, Grade 5 Broad Street School
Brayan Coc Col, Grade 8 Buckshutem Road School
Fabian Nungo Mora, Grade 2 Cherry Street School
Oscar Ramirez Pacheco, Grade 8 ExCEL Program
Darkiel Lopez Perez, Grade Pre-K Geraldyn Early Childhood Center
Amorie Murphy, Grade 8 Indian Ave. School
Rashad Hill, Grade 6 Quarter Mile Lane School
James Summers, Grade 8 West Ave. School
Felicita Susano Cristobal, Grade 12 Bridgeton High School
Nevaeh Morris, Grade 12 Bridgeton High School