Smart Snacks

The Bridgeton Food Services Department is committed to promoting healthy eating and an active lifestyle. To help ensure that our students are receiving healthy treats for their classroom celebrations, incentives, and fundraisers, we offer approved foods that meet USDA guidelines called "Smart Snacks". "Smart Snacks" are lower in calories, fat, sugar, and sodium. Smart Snacks also comply with the Bridgeton Board of Education Wellness and Nutrition Policy. Please see the following excerpt from the policy describing the type of food and times these items can be served.

"All snack and beverage items sold or served anywhere to students on school property during the school day and 30 minutes thereafter, including items sold in a la carte lines, vending machines, snack bars, school stores and during fundraisers or served in the reimbursable After School Snack Program, shall meet the following Smart Snacks standards:

All snack foods will:

  • Be a "whole grain rich" grain product; or
  • Have as the first ingredient a fruit, a vegetable, a dairy product, or a protein food; or
  • Be a combination food that contains at least ¼ cup of fruit and/or vegetable; or
  • Contain 10% of the daily value (DV) of one of the nutrients of public health concern in the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (calcium, potassium, vitamin D, or dietary fiber).

Based on manufacturers nutritional data or nutrient facts labels, per serving, snacks and sides will contain:

  • No more than 35% of calories from total fat, with the exception of nuts/nut butters, seeds, and reduced fat cheese;
  • No more than 10% of calories from saturated fat;
  • Zero grams of trans fat;
  • No more than 200 calories (Entrees will be less than 350 calories);
  • Less than 35% of weight from sugar, with the exception of dried fruits or vegetables;
  • No more than 230 mg of sodium (Entrees will contain less than 480 mg of sodium)

All schools may sell:

  • Plain water;
  • Milk (plain or flavored) containing one percent or less fat;
  • 100% fruit or vegetable juice with no added sweeteners."

If you would like to purchase any of the smart snack items please fill out the attached form and return it to the Food Services Secretary, Leah Fahber. Please direct all questions to Leah Fahber at ext. 2062, or email [email protected]. Items can be purchased by the amount you require (each), you do not need to purchase by the case, this does not include the popcorn, smoothie, or yogurt packages.

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